2024 and we still kickin!

I’ve neglected the blog for a bit.  Like, I dunno, 6 years?

Much has changed in that time.  Some good, some bad.   We just keep on trucking!

If you follow me on Social Media, Im currently most active on Instagram, Facebook has all but died off for customer engagement it seems.  Forums likc XS650.com and ChopCult seem to be mostly the same 7 dudes getting high post count regurgitating the same info that’s been around for years, so I’m not sure where my time is best used to reach you guys.  I know I don’t wanna dance on Tik-Tok, that’s for sure.

I’ve always been a “Here’s a common problem, let me create a solution” kinda guy.  I’m still building a project motorcycle now and then, and have jumped into some Old School Toyota Truck stuff too as I enjoy my 1989 4Runner as a daily driver. 

I built a killer Sportster a while back, and designed a few Harley Components for it in that process.  And don’t worry, I still love a Vintage Yamaha XS650 more than most anyone I know.  Got a few of them in various stages of decay/project around here.

Basically, I’ve created some new products, updated others, and kept improving things (I am not one to let things just be, which means better things for you folks in the long run)


I have continued to update our ever popular XS650 Electronic Ignitions and Charging Systems, as Battery Technology has changed over the years, and so has lighting (LEDS, etc).  Improved Voltage Regulators, Heat Sinks, Stator Laminations, Windings and all that dorky stuff.  I’m aware that there is a very common XS650 PMA System on the market, which is an exact replica of our ~2012 Version of the Charging System.   If you want the better stuff – here we are.

We’ve has some tooling updates in the shop too!  In House Powder Coating, A larger CNC Plasma Table from Spark Robotics, a Killer Fabrication Fixture Table from Kovosu (how did I ever live without that thing!), ditched all my old 18V Yellow Branded Cordless tools and got with the Red Team and their killer Fuel stuff.  Still doing a bunch of Vapor Honing of course.

I’ll admit, I haven’t done much for the SEO and Website stuff, its not my Forte’ really.  Doesn’t mean I shouldn’t.  So I’ll be getting back on track with some of that hopefully.

In between being a Father to my 2 Wild and Feral Girls, Gearhead for Fun,  and keeping some mental sanity by getting on my MTB as often as possible, I’m in the shop doing what I love and have always loved.

So, time to get back at it – if you guys have any suggestions, products or parts you wish existed to make your build better, or simply just wanna drop in and say hello – get at me.  HughsHandBuilt@gmail.com 

So while It appears HHB hasn’t been super active online, it’s been nothing but forward and upward movement in the real world.
