Inspired – What inspires you?

I recently found a picture that made me want to get back into the shop and get to working on my projects.   This fellow has a TINY little shed he is working out of, he has a small workbench, tools hanging on the wall, and probably has to keep the door open just to breath in there.  He also managed to put up a few photos of bikes that inspired him to build a motorscoot for himself.

This photo inspires me in a few ways.  There is a picture of my first bike hanging in his door to inspire him in his build.  Seeing how small of a space this guy is working out of makes me realize just how good I have it.  Guys like this are keeping it true to Backyard Builders everywhere.  If anyone knows who this is, send them over here, I want to send them a discount coupon for some parts if they need it…

Keep it real guys, and lets see some more Backyard Builds hitting the streets this summer!
